Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 39: 100 degrees? So not cool.

Yeah.. I went to work around 1ish, after I went to my therapist's appointment.
Therapy was okay today. Talked about lots of things that I suppose were bothering me.

Yeah, it was... 100 degrees or so. And I was jumping around and dancing. I made it one hour.
A kind woman and her kids walked up and said "It's so hot out here, and we felt terrible! So we bought you this milkshake!"
It made my day. It was so kind of them. It was nice.

Then I went home and swam 1 ascending 100 and 1 descending 100.
Only about 500 yards, but it was still enough to make me move.

Came home, sat around.
Jessi came over, and we watched some Whitest Kids U' Know, then the movie 50/50 (I LOVED it), then some Steve Byrnes, then sat around and watched some American Dad.

I'm really not in the mood to talk about what's on my mind, though.
Tonight I just... I don't feel like thinking.
So I'm going to drink tons of Jones soda, watch some new anime, and play some video games until I pass out.


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