Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 44: There used to be a long post here...

I was going to say "But then I took an arrow to the knee", but that's old and not funny anymore.

About 9 pm, I wrote a long blog. I mean long.
I was planning on writing it and being done with it. But as you can see, that didn't really happen.
I think I didn't post it because it revealed a little too much about my thought patterns and how I've been feeling.
Things that I don't really want to share, but I felt like I had to write.
So obviously it's not here.

But oh well.

Hmmm how am I feeling?
Still sick. Feel like shit actually.
Mentally and emotionally, I'm bogged down. Carrying some baggage.
Big baggage. But I've been talking to a couple people that have really helped me.
I need to do something fun tonight.

I've been too frustrated to play any good video games.
Maybe I need to play something easy and entertaining. Maybe Minecraft.
Or something else. I don't know.
I'll play some Forza later.
I'm so... I don't know. Bored? More than bored. Apathetic?
Yeah. I think apathetic.

I'm off to play video games and talk to my wonderful girlfriend. It's her birthday on Wednesday.
We've been together for 2 months on Tuesday.. Happy to say, it's my longest official relationship.
Pretty good feeling.

I need to relax!
Netflix and fun games, here I come.
Then sleep.
I want to sleep. But I'm afraid of what I might dream.
Nothing scary, but.. My dreams have been emotionally erratic for the past couple days.
Why am I mentioning this? I don't know. Too tired to really focus.

Night night.


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