I would kill to work there! Working around books and music, talking to people about books..
I really really really hope I get a job.
I need a new job.
I bought Jessi her second half of her present! 3 big bottles of Black Bing Cherry Cider from the Cherry Store.
I was going to drive up to... Wherever the store is. Up by Estes. My car can run on the interstate for maybe... 3 miles. Then I think it would just explode. So I was going to take my mom's car anyway.
But anyway.
It was for sale at Whole Foods, so I went there instead! Saved money.
I watched the new Captain America, then the new Underworld movie with my dad tonight.
HAH! I just remembered an idea for a character I was trying to remember earlier. Excellent.
This is where I would use my artistic talent.
Get it?
It's a meme.
The tagline is: If I HAD one!
In this case, it'd be..
If only I HAD ANY!
It's funny.
I'm watching Black Blood Brothers. It's an anime I've started, but stopped watching.
So I'm starting it again.
I'm going to watch the Devil May Cry anime instead. Love that one.
NOOOOOOOO they took is off Netflix. Dammit.
Guess I'll have to get it.. Somewhere.. Else.
I'm not in a happy mood!
I'm going to play Dwarf Fortress.
Haha. It's funny because that game will make 5 straight hours of work and micromanaging into a massive explosion of rubble in the space of... Well, less than 30 seconds.
You think I'm kidding? No, I'm dead serious.
One game, I put in upwards of 16 hours into a single fortress.
(In Dwarf Fortress, 16 hours is a long time).
It all exploded in less than 30 seconds.
A dwarf tripped over and got blood on a statue I built.
It upset the maker of the statue, so he clubbed the other guy to death with a mug.
At which point, the dead guy's family got mad and attacked the statue maker.
When the statue maker's wife got involved.
Was that all?
Goblin invasion!
One got in and stole one of the dwarven children.
So that family opened the gates and ran at the horde.
So the horde kind of invaded. And murdered everything.
Yes, the game is that detailed.
It's actually really really really complex. It calculates live water pressure, air pressure, and if one of your 200 dwarves gets hit by an arrow, you can zoom in on the dwarf and find out which limb was punctured, how much it's bleeding, how many dermal layers the arrow penetrated, and if it hit any organs.
It's detailed.
The learning curve is disturbingly steep.
Give it a try.
Here's a flow chart of how to play the game!
True story.
And this comic is very true as well.

I'm not feeling very happy.
I'm going to do other stuff to make myself smile a bit more.
Like memes. And fun people on Facebook.
And forcing dwarves to cut a hole into the rock so I can make fancy mugs to sell to elves.
Tomorrow can't come soon enough.
Bye bye everyone.
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