Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 25: Roflstomp

Today was.... Eh.
I'm not sure how today was.

My mood has been all over the place recently.
Along with my mind.

Woke up, came upstairs, stayed in my room all day.
I suppose I should have gone swimming like my mom suggested.

I didn't go to work today either.
I had no motivation.

About halfway through the day, I just...
I don't know.
I wasn't happy at all.
I mean, I sat and stared at my computer.
I had Gurren Lagann on my other laptop going, but.. I was barely watching it.
I had no motivation to play any video games.

That's so weird!
I mean, I usually play games to calm down and relax. But I just... I couldn't pick a game.
I had no interest in anything.
I just sat there feeling miserable. It was for a lot of reasons I guess.
Kind of like this morning at 5 am, I was getting assaulted and overrun by memories I didn't want to remember.
And I talked to some friends, but.. It made it worse.
I ended up thinking about, remembering, and realizing things that should have just.. Stayed somewhere else.
Things I didn't want to realize.

It wasn't good, to say the least.
But talking to Jess helped.
She made me smile.
I swear... That girl makes me smile like no one else.
Most of the time, when I put in a smiley face in a text, I'm actually smiling.
Well, some of the time. Not always. But often.

She really makes me happy beyond belief. I don't deserve her.
But... I got her. Yay!
Go me.

So yeah.
Oh, title of the blog. Right.
I played Dawn Of War a few times online today.
Each time, I got....
I have a great mid-game, but my endgame flatlines unless I have an ally who can spam infantry for me while I build up.
Oh well. Time to stop playing Necron and go back to trying out Chaos.

I suppose that's it for now.
I'm going to go find something to do.


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