Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 31: I'm officially a matchmaker!

Today was pretty good!
Woke up, sat around the house, got ready, saw Jessi and Meghan, saw Dark Shadows with Jessi, then stayed home and did nothing!

I spent about 45 minutes shaving this morning.
Jessi likes touching my face if it's smooth, so I shaved my face in every direction.
My face is VERY soft. I love touching my own face.

Went to Old Town with Jessi and Meghan today. We were hanging out and waiting for Hunter to get there!
Meghan and Hunter hadn't officially met until today, so Meghan was a little nervous.
I also got to hold two purses and two iced teas in Old Town Square while waiting for them.
I probably looked pretty sexy out there.

Hunter showed up very late. He was sorry he was late, which is good! But he was there basically as me and Jessi were leaving.
Meghan and Hunter were... Awkward.
I maintain the MOST awkward moment in my entire life was meeting Jessi for the first time.
15 minutes of.... Sitting in my car. Small talk was TERRIBLE.
But.. Well, I guess things worked out, considering we're... You know.. Dating.

Dark Shadows was.. Well, it was disappointing and there were little things that were annoying.
I think it was an okay movie, Jessi absolutely hated it.
Although when it comes to movies, we're often on opposite sides. It's not like we argue or anything.
That'd be petty. But we do disagree on things. But.. It's not major at all.

"Do you want to watch this?"
"Eh I didn't like it."
"How about this?"
".... Not really."

That's often how it goes.
Tonight, we were both in.. Interesting moods. So it took us a while to pick something because neither of us wanted to watch other stuff. We eventually picked Family Guy and watched it on and off while we talked.

Hunter asked Meghan out, and.. It looks like they're dating.
I feel so fancy for putting them together.
They really liked each other before they met, but I guess they really hit it off.

I'm tired.
I'm going to bed now.

Kind of.
Joke's on you!
I'm going to play Mount and Blade for a bit first.

I miss Jessi already.
It's almost like she's my girlfriend.

I'm feeling meme-y today.
In case you didn't figure that out.

I'm done now!
I'm going to go roam the land and murder bandits in the hopes that I get some free fish.


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