Monday, March 11, 2013

3/10- I kind of only used half of the day..

Yeahh so Taylor and I both slept in until about 2 in the afternoon.

Once I was up, I went and helped my dad move various stuffs from the house into the driveway.
Stuff we're selling. Couple desks and a TV.

I then pretty much instantly hopped into my car and drove over to Taylor's!
We hung out the rest of the day.
We basically sat in her room for a bit. We got all ready to go, and headed out!
We dropped by my house so I could get into my actual pants instead of pajama bottoms.

Also, we've started a new thing this month. My family and I, I mean.
I'm being given $20 every Sunday. That's all I get.
I've spent way too much over the past few months, without really trying to..
I feel horrible about it.
But this way, it'll be easier for me, because I'll know just how much I have.

So Taylor and I headed out to Old Town to do some clothes shopping. Originally, we wanted to get a start on our costumes for our "Sailor kissing the nurse" photoshoot with Lizzi.
Buttttttttt the costume store was closed on Sundays.
Pretty much all the shops we wanted to go to were closed. Stupid Sunday.

So we went to Ben & Jerry's to get some ice cream. Yum.

Then we stopped by Thamel Imports, a small Eastern store in Old Town.
We looked at wallets and clothes and such.
I focused on incense. I think that I want to kind of... I don't know how to describe it.
But I want to "get into incense".
It's something really cool and relaxing, and I'd love to learn about it and find various incenses to burn.

Right now I'm smelling "Wind."

Smells amazing. So relaxing.

After Old Town, we did some clothes shopping at Wal-Mart.

Then headed to my house to watch Family Guy and eat our delicious microwave dinners.

More and more, I'm finding it hard to remember exactly what happened at what times during the day.
I mean, I'm not used to actually doing stuff!
And part of it is probably that I'm blogging when I'm pretty much half-asleep, so I can't focus well.

I think that's it for now.

Oh! We stopped by Best Buy, and she got Super Mario 64 for the DS.
I left it at her house so she can play Mario all day while I'm at class.
She needs fun stuff to do when she's bored!

And she adores that game.
"Babe, babe, babe, I GOT THE STAR!"
She wouldn't leave until she got it. And she did!

I hope she enjoys that game. I love seeing her so excited about something.

Alright, I'm going to go back to smelling my delicious incense then go to sleep.

Hopefully I'll be asleep by 2:35.



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