Saturday, March 23, 2013

3/22- Co-op Blog #3!

Here we are.

Blogging again.
Watching Captain America.

While Taylor fails at eating lunchables. Cheese everywhere-

"Shut up."

"There is cheese only in my belleh."

Aww you haven't seen -

"Tell them that the German doctor guy who makes him Captain America, he is Caesar Flickerman."

"And tell them how I freaked out when I realized that."

Did I spell that right?

"I don't remember if it has one M or two."

Blue light!

Turns into a lazer gun.

"You haven't started reading this yet, have you?"

NO, I haven't. I need-

"I'm going to punch your face in the face."

I need to finish the books that I got at the library!
I have half of one left.

Yup. Spelled it right.

"Aww someone's warm and cozy."

Rajah is warm-

"Don't you dare put that."

Rajah is the one that's warm and cozy.

"Why would you do that? Even put anything like that there? I'm going to kill you. Don't put that. Babe, seriously."

"Oh my god, Tommy Lee Jones is in here!"

Oh yeah, he is!

"Dude, you didn't know who Tommy Lee Jones was? He was in Men in Black!"

I know he was, I was just saying that I forgot that he-


"Awwwww, I have to get you shaved!"

Me or Rajah?


Well that's not nice.

"Did he say no one's gotten that- Oh my god."

Is all that fur a tuft?

"This whole thing is a tuft. Poor baby : ( "

Kinda crazy to think that having asthma once kept you out of the army-


Military. Kinda weird.

"Ad then they made you Captain America and you won at everything. But then you crashed a ship and died. Just kidding, you don't die. You freeze until like, 2011, or whenever he woke up."

"Oh my god look at my kitty! His paws are all crossed and shit! So cute!"

Hey, good for you!
You're taking your pills without me reminding you.

"Shut up."

Well that's not nice. I thought you loved me : (

"I do love you!"

*Insert a bunch of stuff that happened in maybe 30 seconds, too much to type. Mostly taking pills and such.*

Well, how was our respective days?

"I wanna light a candle. Which one should I light? This one."

I'm glad you asked me, I got to put in my-

"Okay fine, what's your opinion of this one?"

Ooh that smells good.

"Kay good, cause I'm doing it."



"The wick was like, curled down with, I lit it on fire and it was all 'whooop' hahaha it got an erection!"

That's an inapp-

"Oh my god I should put Caesar Flickerman on one of those MDA shamrocks. Yes."
"I need money to get Rajah groomed."

"What?? Stop staring at me like that!"

I just felt like staring at you and seeing what you did. You passed.
Well done.

You're a wizard, Harry.

"Does this mean I got my Hogwarts letter? DOES THIS MEAN I GET TO GO TO HOGWARTS?? Dude I would die. Of excitement of course"

I'm kind of too lazy to write about my actual day.
Hang on, I'll summarize.

Woke up, uh.. What else happened this morning babe?

"Did you turn in your job application?"


"Kay good."

Ah yes, I went home and filled out an application, then my parents and I drove-

"Guhuhhh. I thought his guitar strap said friendzone. But it's totally not. It's 'something else I can't read zone.'"
"I hate how when people turn 21 they suddenly turn into alcoholics and can't do anything else. Pisses me off."

Well I'm sorry. I only have one year till 21!

"Are you going to become a drunk? Like everyone else does? Better not. If you do, I'm dumping you."

Noooooo way. I couldn't do that. That's nast-

"Okay good, cause I don't want to leave you."

Awwwwwwww. Baby you and me are stuck like-

"BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE. Do you know that song? Cause it's the gayest song ever. By the gayest band ever. They played it at work. Made me want to rip out my eardrums with a drill or something. It's 'You Don't Know You're Beautiful' in case y'all are idiots who didn't know that."

Well, this blog has been eye-opening. Yes? Yes.

We clearly-

"Cheese. Oh my godddddd he's poking my foot with his paw. Like, 'No, I want to sleep touching you!'"

"And zen?"

We explored the subject of cold fusion and hypothesized how the creation of clean renewable energy would change how the world would approach war.

Nah. We just talked about stuff.
Nothing super-exciting though.

Anything else to say my darling?

"He's touching me!

Like hug a Persian kitty?

"Well duh! If you haven't hugged a Persian kitty your life isn't worth anything. To me. I'm sorry, but it's true."

Hm. I guess that's it!

See y'all later internet peoples!


Yes, "y'all."


I love you babe.


I love you.

"I love you too. And I'm sorry. I was Instagram-ing. and he's clawing my foot. And it hurts."

"Make sure you type that and say it was all in monotone.

I did. Have no fear.

"This is the part where Caesar Flickerman dies! Now who's gonna- Oh nooo! Don't shoot him- This is when- Oooh Captain America. Yum. But who's gonna interview all 24 tributes? They're screwed!"

Before anything exciting happens.

Good night!

And have a pleasant tomorrow!

Any closing comments my dear?



-Taylor & Nolan

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