Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3/19- Monster Hunter and Dragon's Blood!


Started out fairly normal.
Woke up and went to pick up Taylor. We were planning on...

Actually, I'm not quite sure. I seriously don't remember that much.

It's weird.
Now that I actually HAVE a life, I'm finding it hard to remember what I did all day because I actually DO stuff.

But let's see.

I woke up and picked up Taylor, and we went off to Gamestop!
She needed to return Sims 2, and I picked up Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate!


Then we went back to her house...
I don't remember!

But we were at her house most of the day.
Ah! Yes.

We finished cleaning some of her house, and packed up 90% of the stuff that needed to be packed.

I played Monster Hunter in the little spaces that I could, also helping her pack in between my little game sessions.
Eventually, I convinced her to take a nap before going to work.
So we fell asleep watching.. Something. Not sure what .

We woke up and she headed off to work, and I headed home.
I played Monster Hunter for a good hour or so, and she gave me a call because she was allowed to go home early due to the fact that.. Ya know.. She's moving.

So we headed back to her house and continued the packing spree.
We took a few trips from her house to her new house, moving stuff in my car when we could.
We also borrowed her roommate, Ryan, briefly so he could move some stuff too.

She doesn't have that much left!
In fact, she has maybe 2 boxes along with her furniture before she's done.
A lot less than she had previously.

Tomorrow morning, I get to meet her grandparents and borrow my dad's truck to move the rest of her stuff over.

After moving a bunch of stuff, we went out to iHop to celebrate, then Wal-Mart.
So I'm broke this week.
But I'm okay with that!
We also bought a couple cool things.
We got some incense cones of different scents, and a couple little pyramid burner things.
They both smell good! She got "Warm Spice" and I got "Dragon's Blood" because it's fancier.
And it gives off really cool smoke patterns.

She's totally gotten me into the idea of aromatherapy. I figure, if I burn incense when I'm in comfortable situations, or when I'm comfy in my room, then if I smell those again, it'll take me back somewhere happy.

After those errands, we relaxed in bed and watched Step Brothers.
At least, we watched part of it. But she fell asleep, and I headed home.

So I'm here now.
Smelling Dragon's Blood (which smells great, by the way).

I'm going to play a bit of Monster Hunter then head to sleep.

Okay, just head to sleep.

Okay, maybe like 15 minutes.

Good night!

Tomorrow is when we end the "Moving Taylor's Stuff" saga.


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