Sunday, March 17, 2013

3/16- Of course I'm a photographer. Now take off your pants.

This blog, however, is NOT written by Taylor. This one is written by good ol' me, Batman.






Frank West.

Yes, that sounds about right.

This is Frank West, blogging to you from a mall somewhere.

So how was my day..

Woke up at Taylor's today. Makes sense, considering I went to sleep there as well.

GOD incense smells amazing.
Seriously. I never knew how relaxing something good-smelling could be.

Woke up at Taylor's about.. 10?
No, 9-ish.

She had to go to work today at about 11.
Her shift was 11-8.. Ouch.

So she went off to work and I slept in her bed until about 12 or 1, then headed home.
I got home and stayed there for a few hours, then went to visit her on her break at 4.
Drove down there, we went to Goodwill and explored! Nothing really exciting was there, so we went back and had her eat lunch while we discussed life and its meaning. Or lack thereof.

No, we just sat there and watched her eat a delicious panini.

Then I came home and took a nice long nap until about 7 or so.
She came over after work, sometime around 8. We had some food, and we drove to her house to pick up a couple things, then drove back to my house. However, she was feeling pretty sick.. So she went home.

I have spent the time playing Call of Duty! I'm having fun. I think Black Ops II is very well done.
I mean, I make fun of Call of Duty all the time.

Same game, new guns. But it's fun.
She was feeling a little sick, so I dropped by about 30 minutes ago to tuck her in.
She's off to sleep.

But I want to stay up a bit longer!
I'm on break!

And we're going to Ikea on Monday, because I've never been there, and she has a couple things she wants to pick up before she moves.

Well, I'm off to play games and fall asleep.



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