Tuesday, January 17, 2012

College! Zombies! Trains! Planes! But not automobiles.

Today was an interesting day.

My morning // afternoon was particularly.... Special.

Woke up at 7:30, got on campus about 8:15, in order to give myself some time to find my first class.

My first class was in Behavioral Sciences, Room 13.

I walked into BSB, and proceeded to ask people where room 13 was.
No one knew.
I went down to the basement.
Room 7.. 8.. 9.. 10.. 11.. 12.. 14...

So I walked upstairs and asked a professor.
There's no room 13 in BSB.

Silly me.
My class was on the other side of the campus, Computer Sciences 109.

Walked down there, got there at about 9, so I was planning on being a little late.
Got there, asked around, Computer Sciences doesn't have 109. It's a computer lab. I just needed a class room.

Asked around, Natural Sciences is where I should be!
Walked there, found the room! At last!
Walk in quietly, ask a guy at the back.. "What class is this?" I got my hopes up, only to be dashed.

"Bro, this is biological engineering."


I walked out of the room and checked my schedule.. Let's see.. MWF, 9:00 am.. Wait.
Today was Tuesday.


My first class on Tuesdays was a lab for Biology 102. I had to be there in about 10 minutes.
So I dashed ACROSS campus, around a building, to the help desk, up the stairs, and made it there about 10 minutes after it started.
Got up the stairs and looked at the door.

"No classes for the first week!"




Turns out, I didn't have to be on campus 'till about 2 in the afternoon.
So I got an extra 6 or 7 hours of... Nothing in.

Worth it.

I went out to lunch with Dane, then headed back to his dorm and played 2 games of League of Legends.
(Turns out starting with 2 Doran's Rings on Miss Fortune is HYSTERICALLY EFFECTIVE.)

Then basically headed home.
Then went to work.
Think I got frostbite.

Then got on the computer, and listened to music, hung out, waited for Lizzi to get on Skype.
She was busy, so I went to do some boxing.
It was fantastic.
Relaxing, etc.

Took a shower, then sat down to actually work on something I haven't looked at for 2 years.

I wrote a very short story. A chapter.
Of a book.
I wanted to write.
But didn't.

So I've decided to pick it up again.
Maybe write something interesting for a change.

I've come to realize that my artistic talent doesn't really go beyond stick figures, unless I wanted to sit and draw for hours on end, which I don't have the patience for.

My friend Geoff Herndon is one of the best artists I know personally!
The best artist I know personally.
We're both fairly creative people.

Quite creative.
To a strange degree.

We work well together.
I'm basically going to be designing a universe for a story with him.
Characters, stories, zombies, guns, planes, trains, automobiles, excitement, betrayal, love, birds, BIRDEMIC.

Lots of stuff.
So I'm going to be spending some free time writing blips of information to him to be processed and drawn.
I'm excited to see my disturbing ideas come to life.

I've mentioned I have a disturbingly active imagination.
I'm going to make my creations anatomically 'correct'

Visceral Games, who did lots of the Necromorph concept work for Dead Space, had their workers look through pages and pages of crime scene photos. As inspiration.
Which is why their creations are SO DAMN TERRIFYING.
If you REALLY look at some of their 3d models and concept art, you'll see what I mean.
They're all anatomically possible.
Given CRAZY circumstances, but they're possible.

I'm not doing that. Ever.
Too much imagination.
But I still am having fun. Thinking of zombies.
Working through it.
Checking out Resident Evil, Dead Space, Silent Hill, lots of games.
And anatomical pictures.
I'm excited to work more in this.

Except I have to limit myself on how many creatures I think of in a day.
Could give myself nightmares.
Do not want.


There's my day.

I'm on skype with Lizzi now!
So I'll see you guys later (:

Good night!


Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. Home by Sherwood
  2. Postcards by Amber Pacific
  3. Six by All That Remains
  4. My Polyamorous Friend by Breaking Benjamin
  5. The Scientist by Coldplay
Video Game of the Day

League of Legends

Youtube Video of the Day

Picture of the Day

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