Sunday, January 15, 2012

I'll never let go Jack!!!!!! LOLJK I'ma let go now.

In case you couldn't tell, I watched Titanic today.



I woke up, then Skyped with Lizzi for a bit!
Then I headed out the door to buy my ~ $600 pile of textbooks (FML).
As I was halfway out the door, my dad calls after me, "Hey, are they even open?"


I checked online.
They weren't.
There's an hour or more saved!

Got back on Skype with Lizzi!
We basically have been on all day.
Until about 8ish.
We watched Zombieland, then Titanic.

Zombieland was hilarious.
I loved it.
Tallahassee was quite epic.
I kept identifying the guns in the movie.

He ended up taking down a zombie hoard armed with two 1911's.
Like a man.
And he K.O.'d zombies with random stuff like a bawss.
Baseball bat clothesline was my favorite.

Something that ALWAYS bothers me in those types of movies is....

After you empty a clip in a gun that you don't have ammo for....
Why the HELL would you toss the gun away????
Just put it back in your backpack.
You can reload it when you find ammunition.
Or, assuming there's civilization, trade the weapon in for whatever currency is.

I think Metro 2033 got it right.
Currency is going to be ammunition.

Our family even discussed this.
Reload your own ammunition, then polish it.
Fresh, unused ammo will be priceless.
'Specially .45 caliber.
Standard-issue stuff. Most Glocks, etc.


Then we watched Titanic.
Emotional explosion.
Considering it was three hours, they definitely had lots of time to get you attached to the characters.
Then they all died.

But I mean...
I didn't cry.

I mentioned that, and 5... now 6 people have called me heartless.


I didn't even tear up...
I guess I was prepared.

I didn't start the movie thinking, "I BET IT HAS A HAPPY ENDING."

Biggest spoilers ever:
Snape killed Dumbledore, and the Titanic sinks at the end.
Oh, and Rosebud was the sled.

I guess I was emotionally beaten up though.
Seeing rich assholes locking people in a sinking ship...
Pissed me off.

The most touching scenes in the movie were a really old couple holding each other in a bed while the room floods.
Then a mother putting her children to sleep while the room floods.

And the end, where Rose fricking LIES TO JACK.
Straight to his face.
"I'll never let go."

I don't care if "never let go" had a meaning that wasn't literal.
She's holding onto him.
He's breathing.

The boat floats by.
LOL screw you Jack. I'ma go get on that boat now.

I'm not actually worked up about this, I just think it's funny as hell.

I don't get that... "Funny as hell."
Hell doesn't seem all that funny...
Oh well.



When it comes to movies, I don't get emotional because of the characters and what they face.
I have an abnormally active imagination.

I've had terrible nightmares for most of my life, and I get really worked up over emotional situations.

Because, when faced by an emotional situation in a book, movie, etc, I don't care about the characters.
I automatically apply the same situation to myself or my loved ones.

For example, when Rose was with Jack in the ocean, I didn't see them.
I saw myself and a loved one drowning together.
Not anyone specific, but basically everyone I hold dear to me.

That kind of thing has messed me up. Lots of times.
My nightmares are extremely vivid too.
Wake up sweating, crying, etc.

Then I remember them in great detail.

Meh. Gotten used to it for the most part.


That's basically my day in a nutshell.

I played a decent amount of games while Lizzi was out.

Marvel vs Capaerkoajwe;r, Super Street Fighter IV, and gave Arkham City a try.

I tried out Chun Li on MvC3.. She's hilarious.
Endless air combos.
I enjoy her much.

I decided I like Dudley on SSIV. Seriously.
Manliest. Character. Ever.

Handlebar moustACHE.
(Emphasize the ache. sounds cooler.)
Suspenders, ruffly shirt..
Holds a rose after you win..

The British power is strong with this one.
He's awesome.

So yeah.


Arkham City was quite epic.
Arkham Asylum was great enough.

Just about an hour into Arkham City, and I was hooked.
The combat is even MORE fluid than Arkham Asylum (ArkA).
The entire game is amazing.
I don't even want to TRY and cover everything I loved about it.

Watch gameplay videos. You'll see.


Yup! Now I'm on Skype with Lizzi again.
Gonna hang out with her then head to sleep later (:



Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. Californication by Red Hot Chili Peppers
  2. Drop The World by Lil Wayne ft. Eminem
  3. Bottoms Up by Trey Songz ft Nicki Minaj
  4. Hello Seattle by Owl City
  5. The Saltwater Room by Owl City
Video Game of the Day

Batman: Arkham City

Youtube Video of the Day

Picture of the Day

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