I don't think I'm very good at drumming, but I want to put my covers up on Youtube.
I think it's because I want feedback.
There are some people on Youtube who generally give good feedback and are interesting.
And then there's the rest of them.
However, that's a lot to hope for.
I honestly just want to get my covers up on Youtube because... I don't know.
I want to be known for something. You know?
So I guess I just need to get my ass up and give that guy a call. I want to get this process moving.
Hmm. I don't know what else is really on my mind. Well, I suppose that's not right.
I just don't know what I want to actually talk about.
Interesting. Yesterday, I was writing an introduction for my lab report. Which is going to suck, by the way.
I don't like science. I hate it! I really do.
But anyway. I was stuck in a writer's block, and I was having trouble focusing and coming up with ideas of what to cover and what to research. It was really really stressing me out.
And... Well, the most fascinating thing happened.
I've always known that listening to different types of music can affect you in multiple ways, even helping your focus and mental efficiency.
We've all heard that listening to classical music helps, and.. I guess I never believed it.
Until yesterday.
I started listening to some Mozart and Bach, and... Wow. It really really helped.
I find that just... Absolutely fascinating.
The fact that different vibrations in the air, different pitches, all placed together in different fashions can increase your brain's efficiency, can make you focus.
Isn't that just plain amazing????
I mean, there are few things I'm passionate and truly amazed by, and music is one of those things.
Geez! Seriously!!!!! Different tones can make you think faster and more efficiently.
This is madness.
I've realized over the past couple months that little things can cheer me up.
Or bring me down, but that's different.
I say that because today (about 5 minutes ago), I was feeling a little upset. But I remembered that I have a box of poptarts and a case of Jones soda waiting for me at home! It made me happy. It really did.
Isn't that silly? I think it is.
Know what grinds my gears? When people grind their gears in nice cars.
I'm bored!
I want to do something.
Something fun.
And just like that, I'm upset again. It's crazy how quickly a short phrase can change your entire mood.
I'm in my abnormal psychology class. A few different words were said that made me upset.
The good news is, I think that mood will go away soon. As long as I don't think about it, it'll go away.
Ugh. I'm frustrated. I'm going to stop blogging for now, because it's making things worse.
I shall.. Get back on later!
Bye bye!
I'm back!
In black!
No seriously. I'm back.
In black.
![]() |
The best time to wear a black sweater, is all the tiiiiiiiiime! |
Today was pretty boring. I got home and promptly fell asleep, so I missed the optimal time to go to hold my sign.
Oh well.
My sister came home! Last night.
And we all had dinner tonight, and it was awesome. We had fun. Lots of laughs.
And now, I'm... Sitting and being bored. Watching Dr. Who.
I love this show. Haha.
It's so awesome.
I feel better now that I understand all the Dr. Who jokes.
So yeah!
I played some League of Legends.
I already have bunny Teemo.
Now I need bunny Riven.
Who says League of Legends isn't sexualized?
Psh. No way.
But I really do need bunny Riven.
My tits shall distract them long enough to stab them in the face.
I'm pretty sure how it works.
But anyway.
Hmmm what else to say..
Not much!
In fact, I'm gonna be done.
Oh well!
So I will.. Talk to you all later!
Have a good evening ( :
Top Five Songs of the Day
- Two Step by Dave Matthews Band
- Anywhere But Here by Mayday Parade
- The Good Life by Three Days Grace
- Feel Like Home by Fort Minor
- If You Go by Cauterize
(I've started just putting my iPod on shuffle for the Top Five Songs of the Day).
Video Game of the Day
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
Youtube Video of the Day
Skip to about 4:30, when they drag race with the van and the truck.
Picture(s) of the Day
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