Monday, April 16, 2012

Vegas Dream, Mario Kart, Mortal Kombat.

The title basically outlines my night!
It was pretty amazing.

However, back to the afternoon for right now.
I took a test that I'm 99.9% sure I failed. It's stressing me out, and I'm extremely disappointed in myself.
But I ended up going and picking up a couple things at Best Buy!
My Skullcandy earbuds died, so I needed a new pair. But rather than spend lots of money on one pair that might break, I split the cost and bought 2 pairs so if one dies, I'll have another.
Neither of them are Skullcandies.
I bought a $20 pair of Ecko earbuds and a $20 pair of Sony headphones.
For $20, the Sony pair is REALLY good! The Ecko pair is so-so, but not too bad. They work for what I need them for.

Back to my evening.

I headed out around 7:30 or so to hang out with new people!
Yay! I'm excited. I'm actually making more friends.
Although, I do need to get my ass out to meet new people in college. I really do.
I'm not saying it's bad that I'm meeting new people, it's just.. Well, I need to find new college people.
That I'll see every day. That I can study with. I need to get on that!

I hung out with two people. Two girls, in fact! I'm so popular!
We went to their house and just chilled around for a bit.
Then we decided it was time for me to FINALLY smoke hookah.
Because I haven't. And now I have.
It was actually really fun! We had this flavor called Vegas Dream. I'm not sure what it was comprised of but.. It was pretty good.
And I wasn't sure when people said you got a buzz from hookah. Well, I now know you do.
It isn't a crazy high at all. It's not intense, it's not long. But it's a buzz.
It hit me after about 15 or 20 minutes, when I tried to ready myself to stand up.
I didn't faceplant or anything, but I... Definitely felt buzzed. I was just feeling fuzzy.
If that makes sense.
I stopped taking deep breaths because I wasn't sure how long it would last.
It lasted a total of... Basically 10 minutes.
Well, now I know. I can smoke more hookah, whenever the next time that is.

Then we basically hung around the house, talked, and played with her cats. They were so cute!
I've never held a kitten, and it purred. It made me happy! They're SO CUTE.

We then played Mario Kart and Mortal Kombat.
On the n64.

They both whooped my ass on Mario Kart though... I haven't played it in so long, but they play it whenever they hang out, so I got.. Owned. But I'll catch up! I will eventually catch up  to their level of skill.
One of these days.

That's basically my night.. Headed home about 12:00 am.
So I got home, popped my pills, and sat down to blog. I'm also reviewing some stuff for my bio lab tomorrow.

That's my night.
It was pretty damn awesome.
So good morning everyone, and have an awesome day.



Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. Gravedigger by Dave Matthews Band
  2. Valkyrie Missile by Angels and Airwaves
  3. Wait and Bleed by Slipknot
  4. Line of Best Fit by Death Cab for Cutie
  5. Turn It Off by Paramore
Video Game of the Day

Mario Kart. On the n64. Like a boss.

Youtube Video of the Day

Picture(s) of the Day

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