Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Time for Bed!

I've decided to stop writing my titles first.
Why? Because I often change it anyway!
This is the first time in a while I've blogged before later in the night.
I found out that I didn't have to attend today's lab.... Which really pissed me off.
I did not wake up in a good mood. I'm still not in a good mood.
In fact, I'm quite depressed. For a large number of reasons. But I won't address those right now!
Because it's only 1:02 in the afternoon, and odds are, I'll forget about those reasons in about an hour.
That's the upside to having fluctuating moods. I'll forget about being depressed and feel okay.
Even if it's for an hour, every little bit helps.
It was warm this morning.. Now it's windy. And overcast.
And I'm pretty damn sure it's going to be raining by the time I get out of my next class.
Which means I get to walk in the rain to the parking garage. At least I don't have to walk a long distance.

I'm sitting outside because about 10 minutes ago, it was nice and warm. Now it's windy.
I think Colorado weather changes as fast as my moods.
Which is interesting. I wonder if my moods are influenced by the weather.
I mean, not in some crazy supernatural way. During winter, people are depressed more.
You know? So maybe if it was sunnier and such I'd be feeling better.
Oh well.
Not sure.
Tomorrow is either going to be terrible, amazing, or a mix.
I'm not quite sure which one. My intent is to make it amazing. But that depends on a few variables that I don't control, and a couple that I can control.
So.. Hopefully my determination wins out.

I'm kind of frustrated that I haven't come up with any good topics to blog about.
I mean, I'm not depressed and I don't beat myself up over it, but.. It kind of bothers me.
I suppose I just have to be in the right mood to come up with a good topic.

Oh! Something kind of cool. A couple weeks ago, I sent an email to someone on the TWLOHA.. Group? Foundation? Company? Whatever.
I sent an email to someone on the team that talked about my blogs and at least.. The ones that I liked.
You know, the respect one, the girl one, the cutting one, the happier ones, the pep talk ones.. I sent an email talking about that and if they wanted to try and distribute them or something.
I have to explain, I didn't do it to try and get famous or make money or anything!
I did it because I feel like there are some people who would like to read some of them, and such.
She replied and said she would pass them around the team.
Yay! I accomplished something!

Which is good.
It's the first interesting thing I've done besides playing Dungeon Defenders.
Although hanging out with Jessica and Meghan really really makes me smile and happy.
Oh goodness. I'm smiling right now.
It's weird. Just thinking about them makes me smile.
Or as Jessica would say, "get a face boner".
It makes me laugh really hard.
Because hanging out with her really makes me grin like an idiot.

Well. I'm gonna go watch Dungeon Defenders videos!
I need to find the best way to farm guardians. Which I'll do today for a bit.
So good bye for now, I'll talk to you later!


My day didn't change much actually.
I stayed at home then went to work.
I told Jessica to stop by if she had time.. She got there! Right after I left.
It made me upset. I was very sad about it.
But.. I don't know.

But I'm happy right now!
Well.. Happy-ish. My mood has been swinging most of the day.
I'm not doing too badly right now.
But I'm gonna get off my blog for now.
I shall talk to you all later!

Sleep well, and have a good day ( :


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