Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 3 of my Good Day Streak!

Well! I'm still on my Good Day Streak!
I'm very happy about that.

It's still going.
Today, I didn't accomplish much.

However, I have a paper due on Tuesday, and I got off my ass and wrote most of it! So I only have a little left.
Which is good.

Um.. That's basically my day.
Wrote a bit, listened to lots of music, played lots of Dungeon Defenders...

I had a good day. I talked to that girl more! And we're going to go game at her friend's house tomorrow.
However, I need to define "gaming" with them.. It's not that I don't enjoy it!
I have an amazing time with them! But it's just Mortal Kombat, Mario Kart, and various games.
So I wouldn't call it gaming per se, but it's still really fun!
So I guess I'm the only serious gamer there. But hey. I still have lots of fun. So it's worth it!

Oh! In Dungeon Defenders, I'm learning to open my own shop and start pricing items I find.
However, I suck at determining prices. So! I'm doing "research" right now.
I'm starting to keep an inventory of the items I have.


I finally get to use all the things I learned in my Personal Computing class last semester!
I can even organize things by type, armor piece, and such.
It's pretty cool.
This way I can look at all the details and determine price.

I'm weird like that.

So good night everybody!
I'm sorry I haven't been doing my usual  "Daily" stuff. I decided to take a break from that for a while.
I need to find new Youtube videos to put up!

Have a good day everybody ( :


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