Monday, April 9, 2012

I didn't have a second test! Bam. Only one.

Today is off to a good start!
I thought I had a test today, and I didn't study nearly enough for it, so I was pretty scared and freaked out.
However, it's actually Wednesday! Which means I get 2 extra days to study! Yay!
Well I just got back from my test. It wasn't so bad.
I mean, I don't think I did phenomenally, but I don't think I failed.

See, the problem is, I often delude myself into thinking I did well.
I consider it good when I recognized every question! Which is good!
But more often than not, they're extremely specific questions that require the one answer I don't recognize.
Which is extremely frustrating. Seeing a question, and recognizing every possible answer, but not knowing which one it is.
It bugs me. It really does.
But that just means I need to study harder.
Which I can do. I just need to get motivated to.
Grumble grumble. School.
It'll all be worth it in the long run, but it definitely sucks right now.

I suppose that's what's up with me right now!
Not too exciting.
Life is pretty boring at the moment. It's not really good or bad.
I mean, it's normal. I'm upset sometimes, I have bad days, I have neutral days.
I think I've been living in the past for the last week or so. It's not a very good feeling.
To be honest, it upsets me. Remembering things I wish I didn't, thinking about things I know I'm better off avoiding.
The past couple days have been kind of... Lame. Not good. For a number of reasons.
I just.... I don't know. I'm having bad luck in every area of my life right now. It's been particularly bad for the past month or so. It's frustrating. Also depressing. It's starting to bother me.
But I'm gonna get myself out of it.
Oh well.
Enough about me.


It was kind of interesting. In my sociology class, we were talking about something called the "tough guise" phenomena. It was basically about how the media tells everyone to put up a front stage performance for everyone, while hiding your real emotions backstage. I already understood that, but apparently it's a real..Thing. I mean, it's something that's been studied, and it has a name. Which is Tough Guise.
It's interesting to me, but also depressing.


Well, my laptop is low on power, and I need it for one more class.
I've stopped taking my charger with me because I'm too lazy to set it back up in my room.
Pathetic, I know. BUT I'M LAZY AS HELL. So I refuse to exert more effort than is needed!
I'll go back to blogging later. I'm going to go get a shake or something. To celebrate my....
Yeah I'm not celebrating anything, I just want to make myself happy.


I was watching Top Gear, and something interesting happened.
They brought on a Ferrari 250 GTO. There are 36 of them in the world.
The guy who owns it bought it for 12 million pounds... That's a lot of money.
My parents could retire on that money. I would love to get that much money to them.
Jeremy was talking about the car, like he always does before he drives it. However, he didn't drive it.
BBC couldn't afford the insurance that was required to let him drive it.
That's.... Crazy. Very crazy.

This is madness. I'm blogging before midnight.
Crazy, right?
I suppose it's because I'm in a blogging mood right now, and I won't be later.

Nope. Actually, I'm not in a good mood at all. But I know that I have to write a short paper, and I intend to be lazy after I write it.
So I'm blogging very early! Let's see here.
What's been happening.... Not much whatsoever.
My life has been boring!
I need to start doing something with my life. I need to start finding more things to talk about.
I mean really.

I'm not in a good mood. I'm bored, angry, and a little unhappy.
I've been feeling this way all day. It's getting on my nerves.
However, I've done a few things to make myself feel better.
I bought a box of poptarts, and a box of Jones soda.
I've also figured out that when I'm upset, playing Test Drive Unlimited.. Genuinely helps.
I find that fascinating! I mean, I like cars, and I'm getting into them more and more.
And when I'm feeling unhappy or upset, it really helps me to just... Sit back and "drive" around.
It's kind of cool. I hope that works tonight. I really do.
So right now, I'm basically talking to friends, watching Top Gear, and working on my paper.
It's a super-short paper. It's barely even a paper!
But oh well. I'll get it done.
Sweet! It's only 8:30! And I've finished my blog, and I'm..... Getting started on that paper!
So good night everybody!

Have a good evening, sleep well, and I hope tomorrow is great for all of us : )



Top Five Songs of the Day

  1. Home by Sherwood
  2. Everywhere I Go by Hollywood Undead
  3. Up & Go by The Starting Line
  4. Perfect Two by Auburn
  5. From Out of Nowhere by Five Finger Death Punch
Video Game of the Day

Test Drive Unlimited 2

Youtube Video of the Day

Watch both of his videos. They make me laugh so hard.

Picture(s) of the Day

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