Thursday, February 14, 2013

2/13- I have a Valentine!

So it's actually Valentine's Day!
I mean, it's the 14th right now.

But I'm blogging about the 13th.

You know how it is.
"Tomorrow" is whenever I wake up.

So to me, it's still Wednesday right now.
But anyway.

Today was.. Eh.
I slept through my History class, which horrified me. I have a test Friday.

Well, I have two tests Friday.
I'm scared witless of the History one. Because I don't know how he writes his tests.
I.. Yeah. Scared.

I also have a Psychology test that day. That one I'm not as scared of.
I mean, still scared and stressed.
But the Psych one seems less scary to me.
I'm still gonna study my ass off, but it's less horrifying.

Class was class. As usual.

After class, I got home and started studying for my other Psych test tomorrow.
I stopped by Lowe's to visit Taylor on her break and get some Starbucks, and that was fun!

I went back home and continued studying.
And by studying, I mean I copied down a massive amount of terms on flashcards, because that's basically what the professor recommended.

It's my first test there as well, I don't know how she writes anything.
Hooray surprises!

Then Taylor came over! We did some laundry, then went to the basement to watch movies and eat donuts.
Because donuts.

We tried to watch Perks of Being a Wallflower, but the video kept messing up.

We watched Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story.
Absolutely HYSTERICAL.

It had so many actors and actresses I love!
I'm too lazy to list them all off.
Go look it up yourself.


When I wake up, it will be Valentine's Day.

And for the first time in 20 years...
I have a legitimate Valentine.

A girl that I'm infatuated with, who I like, and who likes me BACK.
This is madness.

A real Valentine. I love it!
We're going down to Greeley to check out the apartment that she'll be moving into eventually, and hang out with her soon-to-be roommates.
I'm excited!

Well, I'm going to go back to reading notecards.

Here's the song I'm in love with right now.

For some reason, when Carly goes "Woo!" something in my heart.. I don't know. Skips?
It just makes me feel something. Not sure what. But it's good.

So goodnight!


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