Friday, February 8, 2013

2/7- Quite an emotional day.

Today had its ups and downs.

Mostly ups.
But there were a few very intense, but short down periods.

Speech class was basically the same as always.
Read some notes, took notes, listened to a couple speeches, talked about speech topics.

After class, I went home. Shocking, right?

I picked up Taylor a bit later, and we went to my house for a little bit, then dashed off to King Sooper's because we desperately needed cheese.
So we bought cheese!

Went home, started to eat some, and put in Coraline.
Really cool movie!
About halfway through, we got emotional, and we had another venting session, full of crying and hugging.
We got through it, and looked at some cute pictures of animals on /r/aww, and it helped a lot!
And off we went to King Sooper's again to get some coffee, and dinner.

We had some small shenanigans running around King Sooper's, got our food, and headed home.
When we got home.. Yeah, I collapsed into a sobbing mess. There was a lot going on in my head.
And for the first time in a long long time, I.. I wasn't alone while I cried.
I mean, not just tears. Full-out sobbing and gasping. And she just held me and helped me through it.
I don't think I've ever felt more cared for than I did at that point.

Once again, we got through it, and had some laughs, made some dinner, and ended the night watching Nightmare Before Christmas, her playing Sims, and me studying.
It was a fantastic night.

But I can't sleep. Not right now.
I've learned that if I'm asleep by 4, I'll actually be fine in the morning.
I tend to go to bed earlier, but I know that 4 is the deadline.
Anything past that doesn't go well.

Well, I'm done with blogging right now.
I'm going to go to sleep sometime soon-ish.



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