Saturday, February 23, 2013

2/22- Friday!


It's the weekend.
Thank god.

Every week, I look forward to the weekend more and more.
Not sure why.


Well, class was class.
Came home, played video games, waited until Taylor got back.
We went off to go on adventures as usual!

First off, we went to Ihop.
Because last time, I paid for our meal.
But today was payday, so she paid.

Very good food.
Hash browns, bacon, scrambled eggs, and chocolate chip pancakes.

We drove up and down College for a bit, checking out the cars.
Well, mostly me talking.
Because she said it was "adorable" and "cute" because I just got SO into talking about cars!
She said it was because I'm so passionate about it and watching my eyes light up while I explain what
anti-lag does in a rally car, and how it relates to the turbo on the engine.
So I kind of liked that.. Not many people have the patience to listen to me rant on about cars and engines and such, and definitely not smile at me while I do that.

After driving, we went to Wal-Mart for more adventures!
This one was full of nail polish, clothes, and smelling candles.
In fact, I came home with a candle for $1.50.
"Sun Splashed".

It smells good!
I just.. You know..

Need to light it.
I'm far too lazy to go find a lighter though.
I will do it later.

A friend picked up Black Ops II for me on Steam.
I'm off to try that out then go to sleep.



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