Friday, February 15, 2013

2/14- Valentine's Day!

Today was a day.
As always.

Time generally passes.
And stuff.

I woke up and went to class.
Speech class was interesting, and I liked it!
I mean, I like the class. The professor is fun and entertaining. She's actually interested in what she's teaching, and she teaches with a passion.
She's also pretty funny.

Granted, she talks like a teenage girl sometimes, but it's generally in an ironic fashion.
At least I hope it is.

Next period I had my first test in Environmental Psychology.
I was pretty scared. I mean, I have no idea how the professor writes tests or quizzes, because we never had anything graded before.
And all she really taylor was here.

Also, Taylor was here.
In case you didn't notice the "taylor was here" in the middle of the sentence.

But as I was saying. The professor basically just told us to study "bold-faced and italic terms", so it was a little scary and broad. I think I did decently. not fantastically, but I don't think I failed it.
I hope I didn't.

Pretty much right after class, I went to Taylor's house, and we got ready to go to Greeley to visit her soon-to-be apartment, and meet her roommates. It was a long drive, but totally worth it!
I liked them a lot, and the house itself is pretty awesome.

Then we headed home after that, and we've been at her house ever since.
We're currently sitting back and browsing the TV, finding good stuff to watch.
She invaded my blog by saying "taylor was here"!
Crazy kids.

I'm off to go study some more!


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