Sunday, February 24, 2013

2/23- Call of Duty all day erry day.

Today was your average "Nolan weekend day".

I woke up and drove over to Taylor's first thing in the morning, and we hung out and talked a bit while she got ready for work, as she didn't feel 100% fantastic, and didn't really feel like being alone.

After she went off to work, I basically... Spent the day playing Black Ops II.
It was really fun.

I figured out that I'm a fan of the "Run and knife" tactic.

Basically, you..


I mean, I use a shotgun or an SMG along with the knife.
Although I've taken it upon myself to just use this pistol along with the knife.
Like a man.

Eventually, she came home from work.
So I drove off to get some ice cream for us, because she wasn't having the best day.
We ate ice cream and sat around in her room while we watched Pawn Stars.
Now, I still make fun of that show.

Because.. Seriously.
It's a "reality show" about a pawn shop.
I enjoy watching it because there are some pretty cool things that show up in the shop!
And you learn various facts about random stuff you didn't even know existed.
I can't think of a good example at the moment.
But I'll find one.

I convinced her to come over so we could watch 21 Jump Street, because she was in the mood for some laughs.
Well, we both were needing some humor.

Needless to say, it was a hit.
We ate ice cream and watched it.


Then we ended up watching tons of Youtube videos.
We laughed quite a bit, and it kind of hurt her diaphragm because she laughed too hard.

So we ended the night by watching some Rugrats in her room, and I just got home.
Listening to some Paramore, finishing this blog, checking my email.. All that stuff.

I'm going to play some Call of Duty before bed though.
I feel the need to shoot guns and make things explode.


Video of the morning.



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