Saturday, February 9, 2013

2/8- I took a test!

Today was decent.

Went to class, took a test, I don't think I did too badly.

After class, I headed down to Lowes to say hi to Taylor!
Came home, sat around.. Lazy..
Then Taylor dropped by, and we watched Dark Shadows.

Ben came over as well!
After the movie, I dropped Taylor off at home.
But.. Things got worse. So I went home to pick up my laptop, and I came back to just hang out for a couple hours or so.

I apologized to Ben, and he went home.
Taylor and I sat around and listened to music, played funny games, watched some Family Guy.. Etc.
I went home a bit ago, so now I'm watching various things on Netflix.

Hopefully, I'll be dropping by to say hi to Taylor again at work, because.. Well, I know how bad a day can be. So hopefully I can draw out a smile or two.
But that assumes I can wake up at 9:30...
I'm hoping I can.
But if I don't.. I'll feel bad.
I'm gonna still try!

Night night, I'm off to be bored.


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